The skin as the largest organ in our body has a primary function of protection from external agents. Its resilience and regeneration characteristic makes it a crucial organ for our survival. This project explores the similarities between human cells in relation to the shapes and colors of organic elements such as fruits and vegetables. The apparent fragility of the skin, when injured, shows, during the healing process, its nature which is deeply interconnected with organics elements. Stained by bruises, scars and freckles; these signs of life commune with their plant counterparts. The sourness of an orange dialogues with a mole; a healing leg shows its in symbiosis with the onion, becoming a vortex of concentric marks.
Through the use of a macro lens characterized by soft focus, the viewer enters this dreamlike world. Using these scars, as maps that guide us through the different experiences illustrated. By looking at these images, a connection is made with the viewer who relives the feeling that a bruise or scar caused to them; reliving the memory of these events the viewer is compelled to retrace experiences unique to them.